Load Test Output
In this tutorial, we will show you how to use Neocortix Cloud Services Scalable Compute to run a distributed LoadTest batch job, using a Gatling client, in a framework where you can easily substitute your own Gatling .scala script file.
At the end of the tutorial, we will show you how to stream data in real-time to an InfluxDB server.
First, please follow the steps in the tutorial Setting Up For Batch Jobs. After completion of the initial setup, you will have a directory with examples,

Prepare The Master for Interactive Performance Charts

To prepare the Master for interactive Performance charts, please execute these commands in the
curl -L https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/gatling/highcharts/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle/3.4.0/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-3.4.0-bundle.zip > gatling-3.4.0.zip unzip -q gatling-3.4.0.zip mv gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-3.4.0 gatling-3.4.0
In the subdirectory
you will find the runBatchGatling.py command. This script will create a set of instances running on mobile devices, one instance for each load generator. In the default example provided, we ask for 6 successful instances:
startFrame = 1, endFrame = 6, nWorkers = 10,
By setting
nWorkers = 10
, we slightly over-allocate instances to allow for some fraction to fail.
It will command the instances to install Gatling, and then run Gatling with a short (90 seconds) and simple test plan to send http requests to the target URL (currently
def frameCmd( self, frameNum ): # substitute your own gatling simulation class, and put the scala file in the gatlingWorker dir # -or- modify the provided gatlingWorker/ncsSim.scala file to change details of the test simulationClass = 'neocortix.ncsSim' cmd = '~/gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-3.4.0/bin/gatling.sh -nr --simulation %s -sf ~/gatlingWorker -rf ~/gatlingResults_%03d' % ( simulationClass, frameNum ) return cmd
The output of each instance will be a directory
containing request response timing information for each worker. The master will create several image files
, and then terminate the instances.

Example Command

Simply run
python3 ./runBatchGatling.py
When the program is done, the output files
, will be put in a directory

Running a Longer Ramped Load Test

To run a longer ramped Gatling load test, for 500 seconds with 30 devices, please edit
and set
timeLimit = 80*60, instTimeLimit = 14*60, frameTimeLimit = 14*60, endFrame = 30, nWorkers = 54
, then please edit
and uncomment the line
scn.inject( rampConcurrentUsers(1) to (6) during (360 seconds), constantConcurrentUsers( 6 ) during (140 seconds ) )
then re-run
python3 ./runBatchGatling.py
Here are example outputs:
Load Test Output
Load Test Output
Load Test Output

Viewing Interactive Performance Charts

If Gatling was installed on the Master, as described above, interactive performance graphs will be placed in
On a desktop or laptop computer with a browser, you should be able to view those interactive graphs in Chrome or Firefox.
Here are example outputs:
Load Test Output
Load Test Output

Substituting Your Own .scala Script

Here we will show you how to use your own Gatling .scala script
, which contains the following package specifier
and class specifier
package yourPackageName class yourClassName extends Simulation { ... }
First, place a copy of
into the
Then, please edit
and set
simulationClass = 'yourPackageName.yourClassName'
then re-run
python3 ./runBatchGatling.py
Load Test Output

Sending Data to an InfluxDB Server

If you have a running Influxdb server, or access to a hosted Influxdb service, you can configure your Gatling workers to send data to it in real time. To do this, you can edit the
file in the
Official instructions for that can be found at
Typically, you need to change the line
#writers = [console, file]
writers = [console, file, graphite]
Also, change one or more lines of the graphite section to something like the following example, where we changed only the “host” line.
graphite { #light = false # only send the all* stats host = "YourDatabaseServer.YourDomain.com" #port = 2003 # The port to which the Carbon server listens to (2003 is default for plaintext, 2004 is default for pickle) #protocol = "tcp" # The protocol used to send data to Carbon (currently supported : "tcp", "udp") #rootPathPrefix = "gatling" # The common prefix of all metrics sent to Graphite #bufferSize = 8192 # Internal data buffer size, in bytes #writePeriod = 1 # Write period, in seconds }
(The lines beginning with # are commented out.)
To configure your Influxdb server to support Gatling, you need to enable “graphite” support in your influxdb.conf file. (Graphite is a protocol that Gatling uses to communicate with Influxdb or other data recorders.) Official details on that are available at
A typical graphite section of influxdb.conf would look like
[[graphite]] enabled = true database = "gatlingdb" #bind-address = ":2003" templates = [ "gatling.*.*.*.* measurement.simulation.request.status.field", "gatling.*.users.*.* measurement.simulation.measurement.request.field" ]
For better security, change the port number in both places to something other than 2003. There is unfortunately no authentication in the graphite protocol, but using a non-default port number will reduce the likelihood of some types of attacks.