Load Test Output
In this tutorial, we will show you how to use Neocortix Cloud Services Scalable Compute to run a distributed LoadTest batch job, using a JMeter client, while monitoring the server with Dynatrace.
First, you need to sign up for a Dynatrace account. You can start with a free 15-day trial at https://www.dynatrace.com/trial/.
Next, please follow the steps in the tutorial Setting Up For Batch Jobs. After completion of the initial setup, you will have a directory with examples,
In the subdirectory
you will find the runBatchDynatrace.py command. This script creates a set of instances running on mobile devices, one instance for each load generator. In the default example provided, we ask for 6 successful instances:
startFrame = 1, endFrame = 6, nWorkers = 10,
By setting
nWorkers = 10
, we slightly over-allocate instances to allow for some fraction to fail.
It will command the instances to install JMeter, and then run JMeter with a short (90 seconds) and simple
to send http requests to the target URL (currently
def frameCmd( self, frameNum ): cmd = 'date && apache-jmeter-5.3/bin/jmeter -n -t %s -l TestPlan_results_%03d.csv -D httpclient4.time_to_live=20000 -D httpclient.reset_state_on_thread_group_iteration=true' % ( self.JMeterFilePath, frameNum ) cmd += ' && cp -p jmeter.log jmeter_%03d.log' % frameNum return cmd
The output of each instance will be a .csv file
containing request response timing information for each worker. The master will create several image files
, and then terminate the instances.
Now you will configure
. After signing up for Dynatrace, you need to create an API access token by clicking on Left-Menu / Settings / Integration / Dynatrace API / Generate Token. Select the API v2 Ingest Metrics feature as shown:
Load Test Output
Copy the generated token and then paste it into the
file in place of the "YourApiToken" placeholder. This field is called "dynatraceApiToken".
Next you need to set the "dynatraceMetricIngestUrl" field. When you signed up for dynatrace, they gave you a "monitoring instance" with a URL something like
. You will find it in the browser address bar:
Load Test Output
In the
file, find where it says
and replace the host part with the host part of your monitoring instance URL.
To test your own server, replace all occurrences of
with the URL of the web page you want to test (omitting the "https://" prefix).

Example Command

Simply run
python3 ./runBatchDynatrace.py
When the program is done, the output files
, will be put in a directory
To see the metrics captured by Dynatrace,
  • browse to your monitoring url
  • create a dashboard (or use an existing dashboard)
  • add a custom chart
  • click on "try it out" in the banner at the top that says "Analyze multidimensional metrics from Prometheus, StatsD and others"
  • in the "Filter metrics by..." text box, enter "jmeter.usermetrics.transaction.success" (without quotes)
  • click "Add Metric"
  • in the second "Filter metrics by..." text box, enter "jmeter.usermetrics.transaction.meantime" (without quotes)
  • press enter
  • click "run query"
  • save the dashboard (so you won’t have to do these steps again)
  • You may want to click "run query" a number of times to refresh the displayed graph as data becomes available from the loadtest workers.

Running a Longer Ramped Load Test

We also include
, which does a 500 second Load Test with 30 devices with a 5-step ramp at 60 seconds for each step. Just edit
and substitute
, and set
endFrame = 30 nWorkers = 54
and follow the instructions above to edit
with your Dynatrace API Token and Monitoring URL.
Then re-run
python3 ./runBatchDynatrace.py

Example Outputs

Load Test Output
Load Test Output
Load Test Output
Load Test Output
For seasoned Dynatrace users, you can monitor the activity of your server and plot the results, which will look something like this:
Load Test Output